What we’re doing

Everyone has daydreams. Ours used to be packing up a camper van and noodling our way from Michigan down to the Panama Canal with our son and two large brown dogs. That’s not what we fantasize about anymore, because now we’re actually doing it. Well, more or less. Because of the unrest in northern Mexico, we’re flying to the Yucatan, picking up a van, and setting out for Panama from there. We’ll be on the road almost four months. (And the dogs are staying at home.)

Eight Years Later

Not a day goes by that we don’t think of some aspect of our Central America trip. The good and the not so. And what a great way it was to travel. Now, in 2021, we’ve decided to try again, with something similar. We’re buying an empty cargo van, converting it to a camper that meets all our requirements for a mobile domicile, and taking it on the road.

And this time, we’re taking the dogs with us.

8 Responses to What we’re doing

  1. Margit Burmeister says:

    What an adventurer! This will be the one of a lifetime. Need to exchange about realizing adventurous dreams when you are back. Stay healthy – no dream needs to cost.

  2. Robert says:

    Congrats, Velick-Sikkengas, on your adventure! It sounds awesome. I look forward to following your progress on this gorgeous blog.

  3. Kathy says:

    You are the coolest. You make the most daring, creative, extraordinary things seem like the obvious, normal thing to do. You know I adore you. Have a great, safe trip.

  4. Kristi says:

    I am so impressed and proud. Can’t wait to hear about it all! This is the best education Joe could get with these few months at his age. Fantastic!

  5. Stacey says:

    Elizabeth & Family–

    Oooo– can’t wait to read all about it! Live vicariously through you guys… Safe travels!

  6. Karen says:

    Thanks for letting me have a thrilling vicarious trip!

  7. Katie says:

    Have a wonderful trip! I look forward to vicariously following along on your adventure.

    • Dante' says:

      It was a pleasure having young Joe in my kitchen! Amazing young Epicure! We had excellent adventures w/rouxes, cooking for Celiac’s diners, Escargot……. the young man has UNLIMITED potential…….Mrs. V & Henry….. Thanks for the wonderful company…… Send Joe back after he masters the salamander you’re going to have to buy for the young chef-to-be, Mr. V…….LOL
      God’s Speed to the Velick Family,

      El Pirate’ del Caribe’

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