In the lap of luxury

After camping for several days, we were ready for some civilized comfort in Chetumal. So as not to present too much of a shock to our systems, however, we checked into the Hotel Ucum. (Ucum is a village not far from Chetumal.) Hotel Ucum, in addition to being an astonishing hue of bright bluish green, is quite a bargain. The rooms are very clean, and even with air conditioning and a tv, are only about $25 a night. They can give you this amazingly low price by cutting down on non-essentials, such as night tables, lamps, and shower curtains. They do provide hooks for your hammock, as you can see. Just imagine those yellow walls with pink curtains and red and white tile floors, and you’ll understand how very festive the ambience is.


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4 Responses to In the lap of luxury

  1. Nora says:

    Really enjoy your description – sometimes I feel that I am right there. On a different tangent, do you ever study with Joe or Joe by himself or, God forbid, work? No, I do not want to ruin the mood! Thanks for all the posts! Nora

    • Elizabeth says:

      We’re doing pretty well with Joe’s schoolwork, surprisingly. He and Henry have a math session every other day or so. As for working, not so far….

  2. Jen says:

    That was a tease – c’mon – we need to get the whole color scheme down. Incidentally, DO you travel with hammocks?

    • Elizabeth says:

      We thought about hammocks, but instead we just have sleeping bags.

      I really kicked myself when I realized I forgot to take a picture of the outside of the hotel. It was quite something. The color scheme could best be described as psychedelic bordello.

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