We Have a VIN!

If you’ve never actually ordered a new car before (I hadn’t. All my previous cars, vans, and motorcycles were either bought used or picked from whatever was on the dealer’s lot at the time), you should know how it works. You meet with a salesperson, pick a model and all the options you want, make a deposit, and wait. Perhaps weeks. When the factory puts your car-to-be on its production schedule, the first thing it does is create a VIN. Then it figures out when the vehicle might be completed. And if your salesperson is a good one, you’ll hear about this soon thereafter, both the VIN and the date.

We placed our order on 19 February. And waited. Today we learned that our new van is indeed scheduled, and we have a VIN. And even a completion date range: the week of 24 May, quite in line with the salesperson’s original estimate. Huzzah!

Now we have to get busy, planning and ordering the parts that’ll transform it from a Cargo Van to a Camper Van. The planning portion has been proceeding apace. Time to break out the credit card. Oh boy.

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